Monday, October 24, 2011

Technology: On-board Brake Stroke Monitoring

On-board brake stroke monitoring systems enhance commercial motor vehicle safety by relaying critical information about air brake adjustment and operational status to drivers, inspectors, and maintenance personnel. These systems can detect major brake problems in real-time.

On-board brake stroke monitoring systems can provide important safety benefits for carrier personnel, since commercial motor vehicle braking system design and operation are directly related to stopping distance, han-dling, and overall vehicular safety. On-board brake stroke monitoring systems can provide warnings to drivers and/or maintenance personnel if braking ability is degraded to an unsafe level. The information provided by these systems can be a valuable aid in diagnosing braking problems for carriers in order to maintain the optimum safety and operation of the vehicle. In addition, braking information can be readily available to enforcement personnel during roadside inspections, possibly resulting in reduced numbers of brake inspections, and reduced downtime associated with these inspections.

Operational safety can be increased by the driver’s added awareness of the condition of the vehicle's brakes through the system’s display of real-time operational data. By using these systems, the number of under-vehicle brake stroke inspections, requiring the driver or maintenance personnel to crawl under the power unit or trailer with a measuring tape to check each air-brake pushrod stoke, can be reduced. In addition, pre-trip inspection times, which might last 30 minutes or more, can be substantially decreased. Although these systems can be a valuable aid to a driver in monitoring and maintaining proper brake adjustment, they are not intended to replace regular, comprehensive brake inspections.

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