Monday, October 24, 2011

Driver Safety Management System

What is the Driver Safety Measurement System (DSMS)?

The DSMS is a tool within the SMS used by enforcement staff only. Its primary purpose is to help enforcement staff assess driver safety as part of motor carrier investigations. The DSMS does this by identify-ing which of a motor carrier’s drivers to examine during that carrier’s compliance review. This enforcement tool uses a subset of violations to evaluate an individual driver’s safety performance across employers. Appendix A in the SMS Method-ology Report shows (http:// csa2010.fmcsa. documents/ smsmethodology.pdf ) the violations used in the DSMS.
Who can view the DSMS?
Only enforcement staff will have access to the DSMS for use during motor carrier safety investigations. Neither drivers nor employing motor carriers will have access to the DSMS. While some third party vendors are developing and marketing CSA 2010 driver scorecards, these companies do not have access to full driver violation histories in FMCSA databases. Based upon FMCSA official reports, the FMCSA will not validate any vendors’ scorecard or data. For more information on commercial truck drivers contact Brent Thunstrom at

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