Thursday, November 3, 2011

Drivers: What influences your BASIC score

Your BASICs score is influenced by every roadside inspection you have had within the last 36 months. That warning for speeding you received at a roadside inspection even though you had a clean Level 1 inspection carries the same BASIC’s points as a conviction. Furthermore, if the speeding noted on the inspection report is not broken down to a specific speed, then you receive a flat 5 points to your score. All the points for roadside inspection BASICs can be found at  
The way you will be able to contest any points on your BASICs is through DataQ. That website is DataQ contains all your employment, crashes, and drug/alcohol tests for the past five years.

So, what can you do to help yourself? First, obey the law and expect problems with the CSA BASICs within the initial phase. Second, if you find an error or receive a roadside inspection that has any violations on it, you will need to contest those violations on your DataQ. Third, review every ticket to ensure validity.

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